Lessons learned the first 50 years

I hit a milestone. I turned 50 years old. I am thankful that I don't feel 50.   I am thankful for things God has taught me throughout those 50 years. .  I have learned that God loves mercy and when I feel a sense that justice needs to happen over mercy, all I need to do is remember that I am thankful for when God gives me mercy instead of a just punishment.   (Micah 6:8 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.) ( Luke 6: 36  Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. ) I have learned that hurt people end up hurting people.   When I am able to see that I didn't hurt them but I am bearing the results of that persons hurt inflicted by other people, it helps me forgive whatever hurt they pushed onto me and move on.  (Romans 12 : 18  If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. )  I have learned that anyone who thinks they have God

How to fix international adoptions?

Having watched my Russian-born daughter not gain any weight, not have enough food, for 5 months after we were cleared to get her...and her only weight 16 lbs at 12 months.....just so the adoption agency could make more money (send more couples..but have one lawyer..one translator)...I VERY much would love to see the CHILDREN put first..and make it easier to bring adopted children into safe, loving families.  Watch his idea.

Carlos is partnering with http://bothendsburning.org/

The mission of the Both Ends Burning Campaign

A family is a child’s most basic human right. But many children in the world today are denied that right.
Millions upon millions of children in the world today are orphaned or abandoned. Meanwhile there are families who would adopt them, but are turned away by a system that is broken, a system that has become delay-ridden, bureaucratic, expensive and discriminatory.
In many countries, international adoption programs are shutting down, condemning generations of children to wrongful detainment in desperate orphanages, dangerous tent cities, unhealthful refugee camps, or homelessness.
Both Ends Burning is a global initiative to transform the process of international adoption.
Children who have families thrive and lead healthy, meaningful lives. Children who do not suffer from unmet needs and developmental, emotional and intellectual challenges, and even permanent damage.
Through creative works, grassroots outreach, and social and traditional media, the Both Ends Campaign works to shed light on the crisis that is strangling international adoption. Adoptions to the U.S. have fallen by more than 50 percent since 2004. Countries are closing their adoption programs to overseas families. Would-be parents face hope-crushing delays, expenses and bureaucracy under the existing system. Meanwhile, the number of orphans continues to grow.
Both Ends Burning provides an alternative common-sense solution to replace the current process. What’s needed is a new international adoption system that works to match waiting children with eligible families in a time frame measured in a few months, not several years.
The current process is broken. Help us force the creation of a new one. Please sign our petition calling for a new international adoption system. Your involvement will help us provoke change. The time to act is now — too many children are suffering, too many families have lost hope and given up. Help us provide orphans with what every child deserves: A loving family.
To create change …
  • We have launched a petition drive to collect 1,000,001 signatures to take to the UN and demand substantive and lasting policies that will promote international adoption;
  • We are producing a documentary which will depict the depth of the international adoption crisis, and we are planning a nationwide series of events to showcase the planned Fall 2011 release of the film; and,
  • In 2012, we will convene and facilitate a Summit of Nations to establish a process for expanding pathways for adoption all over the world.


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