Lessons learned the first 50 years

I hit a milestone. I turned 50 years old. I am thankful that I don't feel 50.   I am thankful for things God has taught me throughout those 50 years. .  I have learned that God loves mercy and when I feel a sense that justice needs to happen over mercy, all I need to do is remember that I am thankful for when God gives me mercy instead of a just punishment.   (Micah 6:8 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.) ( Luke 6: 36  Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. ) I have learned that hurt people end up hurting people.   When I am able to see that I didn't hurt them but I am bearing the results of that persons hurt inflicted by other people, it helps me forgive whatever hurt they pushed onto me and move on.  (Romans 12 : 18  If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. )  I have learned that anyone who thinks they have God

Wart ..be gone...

It seems to have worked... I can't believe it.  For almost 13 years, my son has had a wart on his forearm..but no more!  We have had it frozen off by the doctor 3 different times; it came back.  I used at home "freeze off" twice.  It came back.  I used the wart acid/ Salicylic acid....  It came back.  Finally, a friend told me to use nothing but apple cider vinegar.  Today is the LAST day of treatment...and it isn't there.  There is just a black scab.  I am amazed with how well it worked.  We also tried filing it, duct tape... pretty much everything. 

The apple cider vinegar treatment is nice to have an inexpensive natural home remedy for such a common problem.  Try it..you have nothing to lose but your warts

Procedure for the Removal of Warts  Using Apple Cider Vinegar

For this simple procedure, the removal of warts using apple cider vinegar requires just 3 things:
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Cotton balls (end of Q-tip will do)
  • Band-aid
Each night before going to bed soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, apply it to the wart and then hold it in place with a band-aid. Leave it on all night, or if you like, 24 hours a day but change the soaked cotton and band-aid each evening for a week. (My son only wore the band-aid and the vinegar soaked cotton at night).

The wart will swell and may throb as it reacts with the vinegar and then start to turn black within the first two days and after a week or two will be completely gone.

That's it... Apple Cider Vinegar...try it... Thank you to my sweet friend who told me!


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