
Showing posts from July, 2012

Ephesians 2- Part 2

Study and learn. Be changed.  Ephesians 2 Made Alive in Christ 1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not

Why Americans should be ANTI-Horse Slaughter?

Horse Slaughter?  Why should you care or have an opinion on this subject?  Well, how would you feel about seeing 20 dogs shoved into a tight cage being shipped to slaughter.  It already happens in other countries.  (I could google and show you many photos, but I will save your the horror).  Why is it a horror?  Because we KNOW that dogs are pets, capable of giving love, receiving love, and forming strong bonds with each other and with us.  Guess what?  A horse is the SAME!   I will share just ONE story of the horses at Save The Horses in Cumming, GA that demonstrates that so well.   Trudy came to the rescue over ten years ago.  The person that had her had bound her in barbwire and dragged her.  Rightly so, she was petrified ...  You can read her entire story here.   Then, there is Sweetie, the oldest mare at Save The Horses.  Even though Sweetie hasn’t ever given birth to a foal, she has adopted a

Pneumonia in July?

My family in general tend to be healthy.  We eat well and we exercise. We each get our vitamins and supplements and avoid foods that aren't great for us.   John-Michael (my 8 year old) has been fighting pneumonia since July 18th.   He had to go to the Children's hospital of Atlanta for a chest x-ray on July 26th. That x ray showed he wasn't responding to the current antibiotics so they switched him to a different one.  If you remember, he has been to the children's hospital four times in the last 4 weeks (all check ups due to the neurofibromatosis).  I feel certain that is where  he picked up the bug that led to pneumonia.  I have my  two nephews with us visiting for the this week ...between the pneumonia... spraying Lysol disinfectant... cooking meals for 3 teenage boys, a preteen girl, an 8 year old boy..and two adults... etc.. has been crazy! All the reasons I haven't blogged much this week.   But, there is always next week! Psalm 135:13 -14 Your na

Praise for the Good Samaritan...

An older lady isn't quite fast enough to cross before traffic comes right at her.  Several cars and buses drive around her..until one good Samaritan stops to help her across.  He doesn't stop long enough to get a thank you..   I hope my sons and my daughter would be kind enough to help a stranger.  How wonderful our world would be if the Good Samaritan was common place.  For those of you who don't know the history behind the term "good Samaritan" comes form Luke 10.  The Samaritans and the Jewish people didn't like each other..and wouldn't help each other...or even be friendly towards each other.  Yet, a Samaritan found a Jewish man beat up on the side of the road, and he put his differences aside..and compassionately helped the person in need.   (Below you will see a much longer explanation..if you are interested). Luke 10:25-37 New International Version (NIV) The Parable of the Good Samaritan 25  On one occasion an expert in the law

More stories coming out from the Aurora Theater Shooting

Petra is just one of the remaining people that was injury in the shooting.   Her family already had their plate full with grief, as her mom has terminal cancer and is in the final stages of that terrible disease. In the midst of this horrible event, they found out about a miracle.  Petra was shot 3 times in the arm and one time in her head...through her nose... and through to the back of her brain...   Here follows the miracle... (Taken from blog below).... The doctor fills us in on the miracle. Honestly, he doesn’t call it that, he just uses words like “happily” and “wonderfully” and “in a very fortunate way” and “luckily” and “we were really surprised by that.” Kim and I know a miracle when we see it. It seems as if the bullet traveled through Petra’s brain without hitting any significant brain areas. The doctor explains that Petra’s brain has had from birth a small “defect” in it. It is a tiny channel of fluid running through her skull, like a tiny vein through marbl

First hand account of the Theater attack in Colorado.

Marie blogged her experience in the James Holmes' theater attack in Colorado.   We are finite beings...and can only know what we know based on the limited knowledge we have.  However, we trust in an infinite Heavenly Father who makes Himself known in His creation and trust in Him at all times  (Psalm 62:8).   Man has the capacity for amazing evil, but God is always love.   Man has the free will to choose to go good or great harm.   However, our God still reigns and those who know Him in His character...despite the hard things we endure. Please remember to pray for all of the victims who went through this. Here is Marie's post. So you STILL think God is a merciful God?! (Maybe, just maybe God spared my life because He loves YOU and wants you to hear this..He wants you to believe that He loved you so much He gave His only begotten Son that if you would believe in

Clear winged Humming bird moth.... in my garden

I just saw an odd sight. I really didn't know what it was.  It appeared to be a bumblebee -hummingbird.  After I took photos of it in my backyard, I could see it was a clear winged hummingbird moth.    I found a video on YouTube to give you an idea of what it was motion.. VERY cool... Here it is in my garden.. dead the left of the tomato cage..  I googled them..and this is what I found...  The Hummingbird Moth is not a hummingbird at all. It is a moth. They are sometimes called a Sphinx Moth or a Hawk Moth. The hummingbird moth can sometimes be mistaken for hummingbirds or even baby hummingbirds , however, baby hummingbirds do not fly. And those little feathers out of place on the top of its head are not feathers, they are antenna. Another clue is if the creature allows you to get closer to get a second look without giving you an earful and zipping away at the speed of light, it is probably a hummingbird moth. Also, if it has brown strip

The Meaning of "Walking in Love"

There is so much in the news that paints Christians as unloving.  Chick-fil-a didn't attack homosexual marriage, but defended traditional marriage.  ..There are gay bars so why can't there be "Family" restaurants?  Where is the tolerance for Christians?  Our society is  bent to believe that Christians are uneducated or simple minded. (I have three college degrees..).  Our society is bent towards being intolerant to Christian principles and ideals.  Why do Christians want these ideals, beyond God said it?  Because working hard, treating people like you want to be treated, forgiving others, marriages (where no one gives up), ..are the things that are best for people.   No one wants their possessions stolen.  No one wants their children splitting time living with another spouse. No one wants their children not to have the influence of both a father and mother (as neither are replaceable).  No one wants to be treated unkindly.  I do think there are people that identif