
Showing posts from July, 2011

Ephesians 2- Part 2

Study and learn. Be changed.  Ephesians 2 Made Alive in Christ 1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead... the juicing begins tomorrow...

Here it is....5 days of fruit and veggies...all kinds of stuff I have never tried...much less never tried juicing... Bok Choy, cilantro, ... Fennel Bulbs...chard....???  I will let you all know what I think... Two of my brave..or silly friends..are just juicing...NO FOOD..  Me?  I am juicing all but dinner.   However, I am no wimp.  Dinner is RAW... just raw veggies and fruit.  I will let you know how it goes.  If you don't hear from me, just pray..during this fast, I didn't just nut up and hurt someone. LOL...

Oh, Russell and I have had arguments like this LOL..

Arguments!  Always based on at least one of you..maybe both of you being selfish and self-centered...we have had a few of these... :)

Back from the surgeon's office

John-Michael received a good report.  Still no bending or major rough housing...allowed.   They removed too much skin and muscle that his incision can still pop open with too much "boy" activity.  He isn't allowed to swim for at least two more week...still too much of a gap in his wound.  They gave us a special tape to put on it ..too cover it.  Apparently, this tape stays on for at least a week at a will fall off on its own.  (Any nurses out there?  Can you tell me about this tape?  Looks like brown packaging tape.)  Thanks for praying for him...

Battle scars

His battle scars…. Being a 7 year old boy, he said.."they are itchy... get a mirror so I can see them".  Then he said, "Cool!"  Not my exact thought...but I am so proud of his attitude. John-Michael’s surgery was   a little over 2 weeks ago.   He gets his stitches out tomorrow.   Today, the bandage fell off on its own.   I guess..the occasional shower (and no baths.. they aren’t allowed yet..Dr. orders)… just caused that sucker to repel right off his skin. LOL.    Anyway, the scar is it is healing but over all doing well, as far as I can tell.   He sees the surgeon tomorrow to get the stitches out.   I will update you all then. If you don’t know about the reason for his surgery..see this. If you want to read about the day of his surgery, read this: Thanks for praying… Rachel Finally, be strong in the L

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Image of my friends recommended that I watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" should I be offended? LOL Anyway, this guy was overweight and had autoimmune issues.  After juicing (watch the link above), he lost a good bit of weight..and all of his autoimmune issues went away..and never came back. You can watch the video from NetFlix.  I start juicing on Monday...praying the excema on my knee goes away and never comes back.  I will keep you posted.  Here is one days worth of food from his website Meal Plan: Day 3 Breakfast Maple & Cinnamon Baked Apples and Pears 2 large hard Pears or Apples (Fuji, Rome, Pippin, Granny Smith or Jonathan work great) 2 tsp. Pure Maple Syrup or Agave 3 tsp. water 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon 1 Tbsp. Raisins Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Slice off the tops of the apples or pears and set aside. With a small knife or apple corer, hollow out a 1” cylinder

Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free by DeMoss

Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them free by Nancy DeMoss is a book that every woman should read.  Our society, our own sin nature, our friends, our family, etc... tell us lies on a daily basis. I.E. God is not really good.  God doesn't love me, God is not really enough.  God's ways are too restrictive.  I need to learn to love myself, My sin isn't that bad. God can't forgive what I have done. etc.  I read this book over 10 years ago..and I still go back to it.  It is a great book for seeing the lie..and then, seeing the truth in God's word.  In light of the horrible things that have happened nationally and  internationally, I thought I would start with these lies that DeMoss identifies. The Lies If my circumstances were different, I would be different. I shouldn't have to suffer. My cicumstances will never change- this will go on forever. I just can't take any more. It's all about me. The Truth My circumstances don't make me wha

Prayers for Norway

Our family grieves for the people of Norway.   We are so sadden when anyone feels they have the right to kill other people...but to act upon it...unbelievable.  It starts with Genesis.  Do we really believe we are made in God's image?  If we are, we all have value...even people you may disagree with...even people that are different from you. ..even people that might wish to harm you.... .  Anders B. Breivik is accused of  gunning down  84 people at a youth camp and causing a bomb that killed another 7 people on Friday. Little is known about him, but Fox news said this.... He writes mostly about what Americans call the cultural war; focused on immigration, demography, identity, and politics in the broader sense," Rustad wrote on the site on Saturday. "His main enemy is not Muslims, but multiculturalists and what he calls cultural marxists." Love changes people... never viole

Why are we suprised by suffering?

Why do think we, as Christians, shouldn't suffer or   why are we SURPRISED that we  do  suffer?   I know I am put out..when God allows me to suffer.   In case any of you thought I am spiritually-mature...well, that just set you straight... LOL...  Seriously, I often times think..."I am serving you, I am seeking you, I want to please you, WHY?"   Why does John-Michael have tumors?   Why do people fight?  Why do my children not do what I have "trained" them to do?    Why do my children still need to be parented? LOL    Why do I have moments of deep grief?    Why has someone opened the gate and caused my mother-in law's westies to run away?   Why do YOU not protect us from these sorrows?  Is it a sin issue?  Maybe, but I do not know of any  of my unconfessed sin... God knows them all....  But, we know HE uses our sorrows to make us look like Christ.  Even Christ, who was sinless, was called a "man of sorrows".   So...why are we surpr

Faith planted

I planted dozens of caladiums in the early spring.  Even with our lack of rain, they are coming up.  Now, that is faith.  Money invested to buy. Time invested to plant.   Wait...pray... wait and pray... (I can not make them is in HIS hands)    Faith that nothing will become something.   IT is kind of like time with the LORD.  Time invested... believing HE will change my heart.  Time invested ..believing that Fruit of the Spirit will grow..... and grow..... and grow..... and grow... and...the hope and prayer is..that fruit I don't even expect.... blessing for my family and others will come because of obedience and God's graciousness towards me...just like these black-eyed Susans by the kids playset.  I didn't plant seed there, but because I had planted seed 30 feet away, the wind blew..the rain came..and now... mature Black-eyed Susans. Faith planted.... Hebrews 11 1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is


I am just sick of disposable families...disposable kids...disposable marriages.   Just yesterday news broke that Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony have decided to end their marriage.   Last month Maria Shriver filed for divorce from Arnold Schwarzenegger.   The celebrities that decide to end their marriages make me sad, but the friends in my life who  have decided to end their marriages make me miserable.   I don’t understand why they can’t fight for love.   As believers we are called to unconditional love.   I think our society is so “me centered”..that we don’t even have a concept of what unconditional love is.   After 21 years of marriage and almost 13 years as a mom, I have some experienced -gained-wisdom and some learned-wisdom (from God’s word).   Unconditional Love is   often an invisible force   field… only truly made visible by uncomfortable situations resulting in pain, disappointment, anger from another’s behavior.   So how do I know when I love unconditionally? When I am unco

Update ....erythema nodosum

Well, it has been 12 months since I have had erthema nodosum.  I first got it when I got Fifth's disease ( a virus) from my youngest son.  So, in that time..what have I learned... Here it is....   Overall, erythema nodosum occurs in approximately one to five per 100,000 persons. In adults, it is more common among women, with a male-to-female ratio of 1:6.    Peak incidence occurs in persons between 20 and 30 years of age, although erythema nodosum can occur at any age….I am proof at 41.   Most direct and indirect evidence supports the involvement of a delayed hypersensitivity response to numerous antigens.   For me, I have noticed through trial and error and reports from two different Naturopaths, that I can not have corn, wheat, spelt, oats…etc.   The only grain I can have is brown rice.   I think my body and perhaps blood type ( O +) doesn’t like   grains. If I choose to eat even a small amount (two bites) of these foods, my knots turn bright red. I have also been told

Trusting in WHO?

I think I used to have a PHD in worry.   God has been working on this in me daily for over  4 years....and in a slow and painful process he is helping me to stop trying to help him. (I tend to try to get a Junior-god pin). I also instinctively want to trust myself and my own abilities instead of going to my creator. I used to stupidly and full of pride shake my fist at God. It is hard to fathom that I was stupid enough to do that....and do that for years. He has been so gracious and merciful to me. So, my trust issues with people had spilled over to trust issues with God. I wanted to trust in no one to take care of me...other than myself. However, experience and God's gentle correction, I have learned to trust only in Him. I love how Psalm 25:3 says no one who's hope is in God is put to shame. I love how Psalm 37:25-26 says King David was young and now he is old and he had never seen the righteous forsaken. Those are the things that bring me comfort when I want t

There are more moments of him feeling like this...

Still some nausea.. still some pain...but we get some smiles, too.  Psalm 136 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. 3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever.


John-Michael is home. He was at Scottish Rite from 1 am to 9 am. The doctors gave him IV fluids, IV antibitotic, Iv Zofran, IV pain meds.... He is home resting well... Russell is getting his first sleep since Monday night. Thanks for praying, Rachel

Back at Scottish Rite (Children's of Atlanta)

His daddy took him back to the hospital .   John-Michael hasn't stopped vomiting since his surgery..... We couldn't keep any of his pain meds or even antinausea meds in him (or his antibotic)... So far they have given him a bag of IV fluids, Iv Zofran (to stop the vomiting), a 24 hour IV antibiotic, and drawn blood work. The reason for the drawn blood work?  He is running a low grade pray it is just because he just had a pretty big surgery... I will let you all know what his blood work says.. Also, pray for our little sleep to count.  I have had about 3 hours (not all together)..and Russ had less than an hour and feels there are two meetings he can't miss tomorrow morning. (Wed morning). Please pray he doesn't fall asleep there..and driving. Pray for JM's blood work..and all meds to help him not vomit..and not feel pain. Thank you, Rachel

John-Michael's surgery went well.

John Michael just got home. I will just start from the beginning.  He was nervous this morning, so he didn't eat the jello that he was allowed to eat.  He was so pleased that he didn't have to give him a shot.  You see, he got what they called  goofy juice .   It was a medication that REALLY mellowed him out...he was a bit loopy.  He told me that he loved me a google, a google, a google, a google, a google, a google... amount. :)  Next he tried to tell Russell knock knock jokes.. LOL...  They finally took him back and he was in surgery for one and 1/2 hours.    He was in recovery for about 30 minutes.  During that time, Dr. Williams came in to see us.   Dr. Williams said the large plexiform fibroma by his spine was NOT in the muscle yet but was large...he has a manly 4-5 inch incision there. He also took out what we thought was a regular fibroma (looks like a BB under the skin); When he went to take it out, he saw it was actually a new plexiform fibroma. It went into the mu

John-Michael's surgery is tomorrow/ My weird dream

Tomorrow John-Michael has the surgery to debulk the tumor by his spine and to remove one from his rear end.   Please remember to pray for wisdom and skill for Dr. Joseph Williams.   Pray for John-Michael not to be afraid.   He nearly puked and passed out when he watched his IV be removed a few weeks ago.      Please pray that his nerve isn’t damaged and he maintains complete use of his legs.   Please pray for the cyst inside his spinal cord to dissolve/ disappear.   Please pray for no new tumors to form. Please pray that there is no paralysis from this tumor or future tumors.   Please pray that his pain is minimal.   Please pray for him to keep his trust in God’s goodness, a struggle for me at times.    Last night, I had another dream.   I think God often speaks to me in dreams because I am just ADHD enough not to listen during the day. J   I dreamt I was at Beth’s house and she said, “ I just saw a water   Moccasin .”  We were in her kitchen..near her living room..not outside..where

The things we will do for FREE Chick fil a food...

So, today was "Chick fil a" Customer appreciation day.  If you dressed up like a cow, they would give you a chick fil a meal for free... We didn't even have to pay TAX... Sweet...

I believe we have found TOTO from the Wizard of OZ

This is one of the Chinese Crested West Highland Terrier puppies that my mother in law is selling for $250.  He looks just like Toto..especially his straight tail... running along beside you.  He is going to be about 10lbs when he is grown...

All I want ...are HIS two front teeth...

When John-Michael was four, he was with his daddy (my husband) at the pool   and knocked his own top teeth out.   John-Michael jumped and twirled into the pool, but hit the cement outside the pool instead…teeth first.   There is still a mark on the concrete where his teeth hit.   Being that he was my baby…the caboose…no other babies coming…I was quite upset with Russell…that he allowed John-Michael to jump and twirl into the pool.   I am a bit ..well a a helicopter mom.   I wouldn’t have allowed this.   Anyway, three years at 7 ½, John Michael is getting his grown up top teeth!

Watching the Puppies play with Olivie'


Chinese Crested- Westie Update

There is nothing as sweet has puppy breath.  We have had a couple of days of playing with a few of my mother in law's puppies.  Here is Madeline with one of the little female puppies.  The puppies are so they certainly have the non-shedding hair from their dad..  They are catching on to potty training...they love chasing a ball....loving playing with my deaf puppy, Olivie  ..( )... and they love to sleep.  Play hard...sleep hard.  Precious!